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Articles Revues à comité de lecture (68)

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Tidd A.N., Guillotreau P., Fu D., Mosqueira I., Dagorn L., Capello M. (2025), Equitable Pathways for Sustainable Tuna Fisheries Management in the Indian Ocean., Marine Policy, accepted 9-12-2024


Rom P., Guillotreau P. (2024), Mismanaged Plastic Waste and the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Quantile Regression Analysis. Marine Pollution Bulletin 202, 116320,,  SSRN

Guillotreau P., Dissou Y., Antoine S., Capello M., Salladarré F., Tidd A., Dagorn L. (2024), Macroeconomic impact of a FAD closure on a small tuna-dependent country. A dynamic general equilibrium approach. NPJ Ocean Sustainability, Nature group 3(18).

Guillotreau P., Salladarré F., Capello M., Dupaix, A., Floch L., Tidd A., Dagorn L. (2024), Is FAD fishing an economic trap? Effects of seasonal closures and other management measures on a purse-seine tuna fleet. Fish and Fisheries 25(1), 151-167,


Tidd A.N., Capello M. , Dagorn L., Guillotreau P., Floch L., Imzilen T., Tolotti M. (2023), How technical change has boosted Fish Aggregation Device productivity in the Indian Ocean tuna fishery, Scientific Reports 13: 17834.

Guillotreau P., Antoine S., Kante F., Perchat K. (2023), The plastic footprint of Seychelles and the ocean pollution risk, Journal of Cleaner Production. Forthcoming (accepted 06/07/2023).

Guillotreau P. Antoine S., Bistoquet K., Chassot E., Rassool K. (2023), How fisheries can support a small island economy in pandemic times, the Seychelles case. Aquatic Living Resources 36(24).

Squires D., Jiménez-Toribio R., Guillotreau P., Anastacio J. (2023), The ex-vessel market for tropical tuna in Manta, Ecuador. A new key player on the global tuna market. Fisheries Research 262, Art. 106646.

Guillotreau P., Lantz F., Nadzon L., Rault J., Maury O. (2023), Price transmission between energy and fish markets: are oil rates good predictors of tuna prices? Marine Resource Economics 38(1).

Drouineau H., Moullec F., Gascuel D.,(…), Guillotreau P., et al. (2023), Food for thought from French scientists for a revised EU CFP to protect marine ecosystems and enhance fisheries performance, Marine Policy.

Tolotti, M., Guillotreau, P., Forget, F., Capello, M., & Dagorn, L. (2023). Unintended effects of single-species fisheries management. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(9), 9227-9250.


Guillotreau P., Bistoquet K. (2022), An estimation of the Seychelles CO2 footprint using Eurostat data, EURONA (Eurostat Review on National Accounts and Macroeconomic Indicators) 15: 47-75, art. 3.

Cariou Pierre, Guillotreau Patrice (2022). Capacity management by global shipping alliances: findings from a game experiment. Maritime Economics & Logistics, 24(1), 41-66. + hal-03411109

Buhlak, Y., Guillotreau, P., Vallee, T., le Bihan, V., Theodorou, J. A. (2022), Multidimensional aquaculture investor index: Black Sea riparian countries, Journal of Applied Aquaculture 34(4): 785-828.


Chassot E., Antoine S., Guillotreau P., Lucas J., Assan C., Marguerite M., Bodin N. (2021), Fuel consumption and air emissions in one of the world’s largest commercial fisheries, Environmental Pollution 273 : art. 116454.

Guillotreau P., Le Bihan V., Morineau B., Pardo S. (2021), The vulnerability of shellfish farmers to HAB events: an optimal matching analysis of closure decrees, Harmful Algae 101, Jan. 2021, art. 101968.


Chikudza L., Gauzente C., Guillotreau P., Alexander K. (2020), Producer perceptions of the incentives and challenges of adopting ecolabels in the European finfish aquaculture industry: A Q-methodology approach, Marine Policy 121, Nov. 2020, 104176.

Selles J., Bonhommeau S., Guillotreau P., Vallée T., (2020), Can the Threat of Economic Sanctions Ensure the Sustainability of International Fisheries? An experiment of a dynamic non-cooperative CPR game with uncertain tipping point, Environmental and Resource Economics 76: 153–176.

Guillotreau P., Trouillet B., Mahévas S., Pardo S. (2020), Addressing transdisciplinary and participation issues to cope with rapid changes shifting marine social ecological systems, Marine Policy 117: art. 103929, Special section, Introduction,,

Bagoulla C., Guillotreau P. (2020), Maritime transport in the French economy and its impact on air pollution: an input-output analysis, Marine Policy 116: art. 103818,

Barillé L., Le Bris A., Goulletquer P., Thomas Y., Glize P., Kane F., Falconer L., Guillotreau P., Trouillet B., Palmer S., Gernez P. (2020), Biological, socio-economic, and administrative opportunities and challenges to moving aquaculture offshore for small French oyster-farming companies, Aquaculture 521: art. 735045,

Debucquet G., Guillotreau P., Lazuech G., Salladarré F., Troiville J. (2020), Sense of belonging and commitment to a community-supported fishery. The case of Yeu Island, France, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental studies 101(4): 439-459,


do Val J.B.R., Guillotreau P., Vallée T. (2019), Fishery Management under Poorly Known Dynamics, European Journal of Operational Research 279(1): 242-257.

Vallée T., Baudry G., Guillotreau P. (2019), To discard or to co-produce by recycling waste: an illustrative analysis involving output constraint, International Game Theory Review 21(03): 1-21.


Salladarré F., Guillotreau P., Debucquet G., Lazuech G. (2018), Some good reasons for buying fish exclusively from Community-Supported Fisheries. The case of Yeu Island in France, Ecological Economics 153: 172-180.


Garcìa del Hoyo, J., Jiménez-Toribio R., Guillotreau P. (2017), A Spanish analysis of the canned tuna market, Marine Policy 86: 127-133.

Salladarré F., Guillotreau P., Loisel P., Ollivier P. (2017), The declining price anomaly in sequential auctions of identical commodities. Empirical evidence from the Nephrops norvegicus market in France, Agricultural Economics, 48(6): 731-741.

Sun C.-H.J., Chiang F.-S., Guillotreau P., Squires D., Webster D.G., Owens, M. (2017), Fewer Fish for Higher Profits? Price Response and Economic Incentives in Global Tuna Fisheries Management, Environmental and Resource Economics 66(4): 749-64.

Guillotreau P., Allison E.H., Bundy A., Cooley S.R., Defeo O., Le Bihan V., Pardo S., Perry R.I., Santopietro G., Seki T. (2017), A comparative appraisal of the resilience of marine social-ecological systems to bivalve mass mortalities, Ecology and Society 22(1):46.

Gobillon L., Wolff F.-C., Guillotreau P. (2017), The effects of buyers and sellers on fish market prices, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44(1): 149-176.

Guillotreau P., Squires D., Sun C.-H.J., Compeán G. (2017), Local, regional and global markets: what drives the tuna fisheries? Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27(4): 909-929.


Dueri S., Guillotreau P., Jiménez-Toribio R., Oliveros Ramos R., Bopp L., Maury O. (2016), Food security or economic profitability? Projecting the effects of climate and socio-economic changes on the global skipjack tuna fisheries under various management strategies, Global Environmental Change 41: 1-12.

Mullon C., Guillotreau P., Galbraith E.D., Fortilus J., Chaboud C., Bopp L., O. Aumont, D. Kaplan (2016), Exploring future scenarios for the global supply chain of Tuna, Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 140: 251-267,

Bundy A., Chuenpagdee R., Cooley S.R., Defeo O., Glaeser B., Guillotreau P., Isaacs M., Makino M. and R.I. Perry (2016), A decision support tool for response to global change in marine systems: The IMBER-ADApT Framework, Fish and Fisheries 17(4): 1183-1193.

Squires, D., Maunder, M., Allen, R., Andersen, P., Astorkiza, K., Butterworth, D., Caballero, G., Clarke, R., Ellefsen, H., Guillotreau, P., Hampton, J., Hannesson, R., Havice, E., Helvey, M., Herrick, S., Hoydal, K., Maharaj, V., Metzner, R., Mosqueira, I., Parma, A., Prieto-Bowen, I., Restrepo, V., Sidique, S. F., Steinsham, S. I., Thunberg, E., del Valle, I. and Vestergaard, N. (2016), Effort rights-based management. Fish and Fisheries doi:10.1111/faf.12185


Créach A., Pardo S., Guillotreau P., Mercier D. (2015), The use of a micro-scale index to identify potential death risk areas due to coastal flood surges: lessons from Storm Xynthia on the French Atlantic coast, Natural Hazards 77(3): 1679–1710. DOI 10.1007/s11069-015-1669-y.


Tiotsop F., Guillotreau P., Rouchier J. (2014), Le rôle de la confiance dans les relations d’échange : le cas du marché de poisson de Kribi, Revue Française de Socio-Économie, vol. 14, p. 189-220.


Guillotreau P. (2013), Le juste prix des produits alimentaires, entre efficience des marchés et exigence de justice sociale, Economie Rurale, n° 335, mai-juin 2013, p. 85-92.

Wolff F.-C., Squires D., Guillotreau P. (2013), The Firm’s Management in an Indian Ocean Tuna Fishery, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 95(3), p. 547-567.

Simioni M., Gonzales F., Guillotreau P., Le Grel L. (2013), Detecting asymmetric price transmission (APT) with consistent threshold along the fish supply chain, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 36(1), p. 37-60, Mars 2013.

Salladarré F., Guillotreau P., Lesage C.-M., Olivier P. (2013), Les préférences des consommateurs pour un écolabel : le cas des produits de la mer en France, Revue d’Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement, 94(3), p. 339-362.

Le Bihan V., Pardo S., Guillotreau P. (2013), Risk perception and risk management strategies of oyster farmers, Marine Resource Economics, vol. 28(3), p. 285-304.

Maury O., Miller K., Campling L., Arrizabalaga H., Aumont O., Bodin Ö, Guillotreau P., Hobday A.J., Marsac F., Suzuki Z., Murtuggude R. (2013), A global science-policy partnership for progress towards sustainability of oceanic ecosystems and fisheries, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST), vol. 5, p. 1-6.


Guillotreau P., Campling L., Robinson J. (2012), Vulnerability of small island fishery economies to climate and institutional changes, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST), vol. 4(3), p. 287-291.


Guillotreau P., Jiménez-Toribio R. (2011), The price effect of expanding fish markets, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 79(3), p. 211-225.

Guillotreau P., Proutière-Maulion G., Vallée T. (2011), Que faut-il attendre des nouveaux accords de pêche UE-ACP ? L’exemple du Sénégal, Tiers-Monde, Vol. 206, avril-juin 2011, p. 177-196.

Guillotreau P., Salladarré F., Dewals P., Dagorn L. (2011), Fishing tuna around Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) vs free swimming schools: skipper decision and other determining factors, Fisheries Research, vol. 109(2-3), p. 234-242.

Gascuel D., Bez N., Forest A., Guillotreau P., Laloë F., Lobry J., Mahévas S., Mesnil B., Rivot E., Rochette S., Trenkel V. (2011), A future for marine fisheries in Europe, Fisheries Research, vol. 109(1), p.1-6.


Vallée, T., Guillotreau P. (2010), Nash versus Stackelberg equilibria in a revisited fishwar game, Environmental Economics, Vol. 1(2), p. 28-36.

Salladarré, F., Guillotreau, P., Perraudeau, Y., Monfort, M.-C. (2010), The demand for seafood eco-labels in France: public image of fisheries and other determining factors, Journal of Agriculture, Food and Industrial Organization, vol. 8(1),

Robinson J., Guillotreau P., Jiménez-Toribio R., Lantz F., Nadzon L., Dorizo J., Gerry C., Marsac F. (2010), Impacts of climate variability on the tuna economy of Seychelles, Climate Research, Vol. 43(3): p. 149-162.

Jiménez Toribio R., Guillotreau P., Mongruel R. (2010), Global integration of European tuna markets, Progress in Oceanography, vol. 86(1-2), July-August 2010, p. 166-175.


Vallée, T., Guillotreau, P., Kane, E.A. (2009), Accords de pêche UE-ACP : le rôle de la compensation financière et des coalitions dans le partage de la rente halieutique, Revue d'Économie Politique, 119, p. 727-749.

Stimec A., Guillotreau P., Poitras J. (2009), Ripeness and Grief in Conflict Analysis, Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 20(4), p. 489-507.


Le Roy. F., Guillotreau P. et S. Yami (2008), Setting up an Industry with its Competitors: the Development of the French Tropical Tuna fishery, Synergie Revista di studi e ricerche, Vol. 26(75), p. 75-88.


Guillotreau P. et R. Jiménez-Toribio (2006), The impact of electronic clock auction systems on shellfish prices: evidence from a structural change model, Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 57(3), p. 523-546.

Guillotreau P., L. Le Grel, F. Gonzales (2006), Cointégration verticale des prix du poisson. Stabilité des marges prix-coûts et transmission des chocs de demande, Economies et Sociétés, Série « Systèmes agroalimentaires », A.G., n° 28, 5/2006, p. 669-687.

Guillotreau P. et T. Vallée (2006), Hétérogénéité des préférences temporelles et des quotas de pêche entre pays : conséquences sur la reconstitution des stocks halieutiques, Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Océanique, Tome XXIV, p. 341-370.


Guillotreau P., L. Le Grel, M. Simioni (2005), Price-cost margins and structural change; sub-contracting within the salmon marketing chain, Review of Development Economics, vol. 9(4), p.581-97, 2005.

Ferreira Dias J., Guillotreau P. (2005), Fish canning industries of France and Portugal: life histories, Economia Global e Gestão (devenue Global Economics and Management Review-GEMRev) 10(2): 61-79.


Guillotreau P. (2004), How does the European seafood industry stand after the revolution of salmon farming: An economic analysis of fish prices, Marine Policy, n° 28/3 p. 227-233.


Le Roy F., Guillotreau P. (2002), Contester la domination des leaders de marché en changeant les règles du jeu : le cas de l’industrie thonière française, Management International, vol.6(2), Spring 2002, p. 29-41.


Péridy N., Guillotreau P. et P. Bernard (2000), The Impact of Prices on Seafood Trade: A Panel Data Analysis of the French Seafood Market, Marine Resource Economics, Volume 15, No. 1, p. 45-66.

Guillotreau P., N. Péridy (2000), Trade barriers and European imports of seafood products: a quantitative assessment, Marine Policy, 24, p.431-437.

Guillotreau P., F. Le Roy (2000), La guerre du thon, ou l’art d’élever les coûts des concurrents par l’intégration verticale, Annales des Mines, coll. Gérer et Comprendre, n°62, décembre 2000, p.53-62.

Guillotreau P., I. Sékulic (2000), Mondialisation, effet de génération et demande de poisson frais en France, Economies et Sociétés, Série “Systèmes agroalimentaires”, AF, n° 24, 10/11/2000, p. 97-110.


Guillotreau P. (1997), Les droits de propriété des ressources naturelles revisités. Le cas de la pêcherie d’huîtres du Solent (Royaume-Uni), Economies et Sociétés, Série Développement, croissance et progrès, F. n° 35, 4/1997, p. 121-146.

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